My very dear friend, Anne Neunschwander, is exhibiting some of her beautiful work in mosaic and pottery at the 'Epouvantail sous les chenes' exhibition the 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 May in Viols en Laval. She has made a number of mosaics of different sizes in designs that reflect regional influences such as lizards and Mediterranean forms, as well as mathematical and geometrical ones.
She participated last year with a collection of necklaces made from African beads she had collected whilst living in Benin. As a natural artist, she has an eye for colour and form and makes the most attractive items. She is also meticulous, so the quality of what she does is stunning, from researching designs to completing the finished item.
This is a whole-hearted plug to promote the talents of one of my favourite friends, and a beautiful woman to boot!
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