I was so appalled by what is going on around me that I couldn't face lunch today. Or rather I took one look at the fridge and decided to eat out. Wednesdays are a bit of a rush anyway as I have to take my eldest to his violin lesson, and the thought of scrabbling something together when my head was feeling shredded was too much.
I had lunch out yesterday too, for the same reason, and went to dine sumptuously at the Clos des Oliviers in St Gély du Fesc. The owner, Oliver Peskine, is a generous supporter of Promo' Arts so whenever possible, we spoil ourselves by eating chez lui. It's a tad pricey for us, but there are times when things get so bad, the only solution is a decent meal in peaceful, attractive surroundings. Actually, since last year, I call those meals a Train Bleu.
Yesterday I was with others, today I was alone, and had roughly 20 minutes during my eldest's lesson to grab a bite. Despite the horrors of last Friday's encounter with a Quick repas enfant, I opted to go to Jacksonburger which is a French burger joint. Quite by chance, some beautiful harp music was playing on the radio as I made my way there, which helped drain out the toxicity from my head.
I ordered a 'Cevenol' which has a ciabatta-type bread roll and goat's cheese with the burger. It, and the frites were cooked fresh, were piping hot and smelt appetising. A bottle of Evian washed it all down, and I felt somewhat detoxed when I'd finished. On the way out, I thanked the guy behind the counter for the burger, said how I had appreciated that it was so fresh, and it was just what I'd needed. It was quiet in there, and he smiled back at me. I felt I had probably walked in looking grey, and gone out looking human again.
The nightmare is ending and I'm hoping we can look forward to some much needed peace and quiet!
Ahhhhhhh...nos Trains Bleus comme il nous font du bien! C'est magique quand le ciel est gris et le coeur est noir!