Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Socialist Wet Dream

What would be your ideal world? Mine would have a benevolent me at the top dispensing largesse and tough love to a happy populace minus all those sociopaths, psychopaths, banksters, terrorists, mobsters and other really nasty people who would be sent to Siberia to take out their psychological deviations on each other, in the cold (which should calm them down a bit).

Joking right? Sure, Siberia would be too nice for them...

Of course I don't believe in an ideal world, but some people do, and they write about it because they really believe they have the answers to the world's ills.
Attila le Jim aka Jacques Attali
People like Jacques Attali, representative of the neo-liberal branch of the Parti Socialiste (if that isn't a contradiction in terms...). He's been an advisor to all recent French presidents from Mitterand on thanks to an impressive list of academic and intellectual achievements (which you can read about on his Wikipedia page).

And yet, the man's a monster. He's an inhuman, arrogant intellectual of the worst kind, bent on world domination for a small lefty elite (including himself), and a docile, uniform, young population. Joking right?

No. Here is our Jim's Socialist wet dream for an ideal world:
1. A small, quasi-immortal world elite thanks to advances in technology including cloning, babies hand-picked at birth although people would no longer have dirty messy sex (no thank YOU!). Babies would be created in nice clean test tubes. To make love, the elite would sit facing each other and bonk telepathically à la 'Brave New World'.
2. The rest of the world's population would be totally ethnically mixed (hello unlimited immigration) into mono-language, unisex, atheist, pacifists knowing neither riches nor poverty; uncultured, minimally educated, docile (our Jim is very keen on the docility of the little people like you and me) so that the super rich super elite can sleep at night and get on with leading the world, free of morals or ideology during the day. Worryingly, he supports the current educational reforms of Vincent Peillon which he says take education in the right (downward, no doubt) direction...
3. No old people. According to Attila the Jim, old people are a terrible, expensive inconvenience and should be bumped off around the age of 62. In his own words:
"Dès qu’il dépasse 60 - 65 ans, l’homme vit plus longtemps qu’il ne produit et il coûte alors cher à la société ; il est bien préférable que la machine humaine s’arrête brutalement, plutôt qu’elle ne se détériore progressivement".
Jacques Attali, L'Homme nomade, 2005.
Translation: After the age of 60/65 man is no longer productive and costs a lot to society. It's much better that the human machine stops abruptly rather than being allowed to deteriorate slowly.

Note that this only applies to the little people, not to the super elite (like him, aged 70) at the top. Thanks to technological advances, this group are practically immortal. He is in great favour of euthanasia, or rather suicide for the rest of us. Committing suicide is a type of freedom, and such fundamental liberties are très cherished by Socialists ("la logique socialiste c’est la liberté, et la liberté fondamentale c’est le suicide").

Of course, a government, especially 'benevolent' Socialist, cannot force people to commit suicide at the age of 62, that wouldn't look good. But there are ways of encouraging them - deprive them of resources until they become financially asphyxiated and jump off a cliff (or handed a convenient blue pill). By the end of 2013, Moscovici, ministre de l'Économie et des Finances will have managed, by taxation of varying sorts, to reduce the resources of the over 60s by 10%. If he continues in that vein, he'll eventually achieve the extinction of those oldie 'salauds de riches'! Mort aux vieux! It's a nice clean Socialist way of managing social problems...

Can you imagine these same words coming out of the mouth of someone like Marine le Pen, or Nicolas Sarkozy, or Jean-François Copé without an uproar from the lefty intelligentsia? Why are those on the left permitted to write such atrocities without the least raised finger from their peers? Is Attila le Jim so untouchable that his mates daren't object, or do they all really under all the pretence, think like him too?

In my opinion, these monsters should be placed very far from the centres of power and influence. They should not be hobnobbing with presidents either national or (especially their wet dream orgasmic) supra-national and should certainly not be used in the capacity of advisor, consultant or anything other than examples of depraved intellectual arrogance. I reckon they must be, au fond, full of self-loathing to so despise their fellow wo/man, and to ignore the fact that being creative and intelligent is not limited to a certain socio-economic group. If they destroyed most of humanity they would destroy most of the potential for amazingly creative achievements.

Would you commit suicide at 62 so as not to be a 'burden on the state'? Me, I'd buy a black market gun, not to use on myself but on anyone who came knocking at the door with a sympathetic smile and a box with a blue pill. I'd wipe that smile off its (unisex) face, painlessly and humanely in a single blast (just in case you're reading this, Atti-boy)!

Actually, I like the sound of my ideal world better. Sarah for World Prez!


  1. Jings Sarah. You've taken my breath away!
    Jacques? A Socialist? Surely not! He's monster eugenicist to the power n. What a hideous world he seems to envisage.
    Would he make the cut, I wonder? Does he fondly imagine that he'll be one of the super elite? History is littered with the remains (and casualties) of those who believed they were above the rest - people who believed that they and they alone determined the rules for living. That type of power corrupts so absolutely that it guarantees destruction.
    Ugh. I am truly appalled!
    But it was a very interesting read.

    1. It makes for horrific reading, doesn't it. I hope he ends up getting Alzheimer's. That would be the worst possible death for him, by destruction of his mighty brain.

  2. Well Sarah, it looks like you have nailed our Socialist elite. Your interpretation is spot on. It is all about 'Faites ce que je dis, ne faites pas ce que je fais'. I have to admit that I am quite pleased not to have such arrogant politicians on this side of the channel (they look like angels compared to the french ones).

    1. You know, I should stop reading these 'news the media avoid' websites because it just ends up by enraging me. These people, the ones who have our livelihoods in their hands, are just rotten through and through. Fuck 'em all.

    2. My husband is so fed up with such attitudes that he has decided to give his French passport back.

  3. C'est incroyable. As you say if any politician from the right or centre said anything like this there'd be uproar and the police would be involved.

    "I hope he ends up getting Alzheimer's." Yeah, that'd teach him! Who do these people think they are - God?!

    1. They definitely feel vastly superior in every way to the rest of us which is fine, if they keep it to themselves. I just can't understand how it is that the left can say anything but every time someone on the right opens his or her mouth in a similar vein they're accused of being a fascist.

  4. You have my problems!

    I think for the likes of this chap no one who hasn't been through the Grands Ecoles counts as human...while those who have are super human, entitled to tear the guts out of a country and its people to maintain their advantages.

    Tried typing...didn't work...obviously an inferior being I am overdue the suicide pill...

    1. You're right about the grands écoles élites and they want to keep it that way too. Nice and cosy and everyone knows where they are and what they can do.

  5. What arrant, terrifying, totalitarian nonsense! I'd laugh, Sarah, if I didn't think he actually believes all this stuff and would put it into practice if he had the chance. That's what comes of a culture that puts philosophy on a pedestal - ideas that have no possibly relationship to human life, talents and ideals as we experience them. As for knowing that he is seen as a suitable advisor to governments, words fail me.....

    As a 66 year-old woman I'd obviously be in line for his little blue pill, if I didn't knock his block off first. :-)

    1. Yeah, I'd like to see them try to feed us the happy pill. But they wouldn't in fact, they'd just make life so miserable that people would have little choice.

      If that situation ever came about, you can bet that folks would become very creative about circumventing the bastards, probably by setting up cooperative small-holdings kibbutz style.

  6. If this is true, George Orwell would turn over in his grave.... Big Brother is a joke compared to this fruitcake :-( I doubt this kind of policy would ever be applied, but in the meantime he's got the media cover to ensure an income till he's past his sell-by date!

    1. He's already past his sell-by date in my opinion. And this rubbish is stuff he's been espousing since 1981! So it's not like no one knew!! Words fail me really. Are our presidents so desperate for advisors? Considering the mess the country's in, one can't say he's been exactly successful as an advisor either because either the pres took his advice (hence the mess), or didn't because it wasn't convincing (hence the mess).

  7. We have our loonies here in the U.S., too, and I'm sure you have read about their antics.This man is a pussycat compared the kind of people we have to deal with.

    1. Well, he's an intellectual, so wouldn't actually take to the streets and dirty his shoes. He would leave that to his lackeys. His beliefs are no less terrifying than your average US loony, but he writes nicely so it goes down better...

  8. Yes you for world prez. Have never heard of this guy - sorry that makes me sounds horrifically ignorant. As Im only nine years off 60, I better get cooking, buy up large and hop on the nearest plane for Bora Bora. Re-sult.

    1. I wouldn't worry about not having heard of him. He's an obscure French intellectual who works behind the scenes to wreak maximum damage with the least effort. If he was in the public eye he'd have a lot more trouble. People might even accuse him of being an extreme fascist type person, and that would probably hurt his amour-propre... because he's only trying to help... (so misunderstood, poor love).

  9. Next Stop....Eugenics???
    Sounds like Germany's Socialist Democrats to me!!!

    Everything for the elite, nothing for the little people. Can you spell "Narcissist"? Or something worse???

    1. Indeed, funny how power and influence always gets to people at the top in the end. They all go nuts - arrogant, power-mad, self-obsessed, egoist, avaricious, depraved, etc. 'Narcissist' is the least of it!! :)

  10. One word: strange.

    And I thought some our politicians in America were conceded.

    1. There are many totally unsuitable people in power the world over I'm afraid!


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